December 2017 Update

New Song has so many things to share with you about the ministry being done in Haiti.  We have had growth in ministry, a broadening of how we share the Gospel, new believers being born again and programs that have changed a community.  As you read through our latest newsletter you will see how God is being shared throughout the Central Plateau area of Haiti.  


New Song Church has been in existence for almost 2 years and the members of the church are building Godly relationships while serving and worshiping their Lord.  While we were in Haiti over Thanksgiving, our family was able to witness, prayer nights that are spirit filled, young men and women singing their hearts out during worship practice, and men planning to make a difference for those in the church who suffer from hunger.  There are so many things going on that I worry I may forget to tell you something!  So let's get started...



This group was started by the man in the middle of the picture.  When I first met him, we were at the hospital for his nephew, who was gravely ill.  In his eyes and on his face I could see that he was a believer in voodoo.  We could feel it in his presence. After seeing the peace his nephew had with dying, spending time at his bedside hearing the bible being read and seeing the love of Christ from Erick, his heart began to soften.  At his nephew's funeral, he asked us to share more about who Jesus was.  That evening, we were able to watch him accept Christ and this is where The Deliverance Group (they chose the name) began.  He saw a need for food in his community, his church and in his family. He gathered several men, shared what little money they had to buy seeds and began to grow corn and beans.  As they harvested, they sold some to buy more seeds and kept some to feed their families and those in the community.  They worked in the gardens of church members that are ill or widowed.  They spend many hours a week growing this group and their gardens.  When asked, "How do other men join the group?" They answered, "We tell them, they can't join unless they accept Jesus and then we share the Gospel with them."


There are many schools in the community surrounding NS church.  There are also many parents that can not afford to send their children to school.  Pastor Erick wanted to make a place where the children of NS church could attend school for a very small amount per year.  That way the children are being educated and the parents aren't having to choose between feeding their family or educating their children.  

For $100 Haitian dollars per year, the children of the NS community can attend school. Currently approximately 85 children attend the school which is located in the New Song church building.  The building is an open air building without walls, but these children don't seem to mind.  There are 5 different classes being held in this one room building, which is the size of an American classroom that would hold about 23 students.  You can hear the little voices singing a song about colors in creole.  The older classes are learning French and another class is being taught algebra.  These 5 teachers are dedicated and hard working.  They keep the children's attention even though other classes are talking, clapping for each other or standing at the board leading the class in recitation. The teachers work for very little money 5 days a week.  While meeting with the teachers, they shared that they love children and know that an education is so important for their future. Many of the teachers do not have a high school degree, but would like to continue their education if given the opportunity.  

We need your help to make the teachers and the school a success.  Can you sponsor a teacher to further their education? Fund a teacher's salary? Sponsor a student to attend school? There are so many ways you can help New Song School!



Cross Timbers Elementary students in Moore, Oklahoma filled over 200 backpacks with school supplies, balls, hygiene items and many other fun things! They each wrote a note to the students who would receive the bag and we delivered them to the students of New Song School.  The children were so excited to see what they had received, they stopped on the hill, under a tree outside the school to peek in their bags! Thank you Cross Timbers for making a difference in the lives of these sweet faces all they way in Haiti!



While we were in Haiti in November, we were able to take wedding dresses with us that had been donated by friends in Oklahoma.  They willingly gave up a piece of one of the happiest days in their lives to bless some brides to be in Haiti. We were able to help 3 couples with dresses, rings, flowers and a small reception after. We were so excited to be able to share in this special day with the couples and New Song Church.


New Song Mission wouldn't be successful in sharing the Gospel if it wasn't for you, your prayers and financial support.  The ministry is growing and there are so many needs.  After our trip in November, we came back overwhelmed by the burdens of the people in our community, the needs of the church and school.  

We have many ways that you can help! Please consider making a donation or supporting New Song on a monthly basis.  Whether your donation is big or small...WE NEED YOU! Together we can make a difference in a country that is desperate for Jesus!  Contact us at for ways to get involved.