Shine Through

So many things about Haiti make it a place many don’t want to visit. They have 100 degree weather, the water isn’t clean, the roads are poor, there is always some sort of governmental issue which makes the people rise up to fight for what they need, the culture of voodoo makes people uneasy. We could go on and on...but what we want you to understand is this place is amazing. It is filled with people who love the Lord, people who work everyday to have the things we take for granted.

Our friends, they always have a smile on their faces, not matter what they encounter everyday. They always give the credit to the Lord for everything they have or even the things they don’t.

The church and the word of God is such an important part of the existence of this community. They need the church, they need it as a place of refuge. They need to hear the Good News, they need the encouragement of the Word. They need the support of other believers in a place where hope is hard to hold on to.

The people of Haiti are resilient. They are hopeful. They are full of pride for their country. They are our home away from home. We love the people in our community in Mirebalais, and ask you to pray for them. Pray they will continue to listen to the voice of God and not the lies that surround them. Pray the country will have a government put in place that knows the Lord and recognizes His ways. Pray the load of this land is lightened and the God’s light shines through.
